Tuesday, September 17, 2013

BOOK REVIEW: "Nothing Happens Until It Happens To You"

Nothing Happens Until it Happens to You: A Novel Without Pay, Perks, or Privileges
By T.M. Shine
Copyright 2010
Crown Publishers
Adult Fiction

Well, here's another of your fairly typical "Oh my heavens! I just got laid-off!" books.  Perhaps in the current employment climate, that's appropriate.  This one, though, was pretty humorous, even from the beginning. 

Jeffrey Reiner is a low-key newspaper guy.  Only he really doesn't do much at his job.  Like, really not much at all.  Instead, he socializes a lot, and comes up with crazy ideas that don't really go anywhere.  And, it seems, the economy and his lack of productivity finally catch up to him and he's on the chopping block. 

He starts out his unemployment by doing all the things he's supposed to do (encouraged by his highly-energetic wife, Anna); filing for unemployment, seeing an employment counselor, working on a resume, etc.  But soon his enthusiasm fizzles out and he starts really freaking out about the small number of days he has left on unemployment.  This soon leads him to start grasping at employment straws; i.e. hooking up with a guy known only as 'enterprising dude', who puts him to work in a Statue of Liberty costume, delivering pizzas, and eventually breeding fish in a muddy trough.  All the while, Jeffrey worries about where his wife is and what she is up to, as it seems she is having an affair with a drug salesman (the legal kind). 

As Jeffrey goes a little crazy and his world starts spinning around him, he has a few epiphanies and big garage sale and that's pretty much the end of the story.  Didn't care for the lack of resolution at the end, but there were some pretty funny moments in the book, and it was generally well-written.  Just not a great ending. 

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